Starting bank: €1,000 (beginning of May 2010)
Target for end May: €1,050
Today’s opening bank: €1,218.06
Today’s closing bank: €1,236.69
Today's profit: €18.63
Today's turnover: €38,926.77
Today’s overall profit on the machine was €76.01 - however only €18.63 was from pre-race trading so that’s what gets added to the totals.
Didn’t get to do much trading today, just a couple of hours but I had one or two traditional bets which topped up my day overall. Pretty pleased all the same with €18.63 added to the trading total. Normally I use a separate account for traditional bets but I needed to get on late and my trading account was open.
Nothing startling or strange to report really – the markets seemed fairly normal and steady today. The turnover was quite hight though - possibly because I traded quite a few short priced favourites in which case the stake on each side is large.
One new thing I’ve tried with a couple of pennies has worked well over the past few days. Basically, once I green up the group for a good amount, I’ll take a chance with a €2 back on 3-4 big priced outsiders with a view to laying off for say 15 ticks in-running. Before I back, I reverse the book to make sure I’m getting the best price. I’m not saying it’s a profitable strategy going forward – but it’s sometimes fun to try once I have a nice green book and have a couple of euro to play with. If most of your bets get matched, you have nothing to lose but if a big outsider goes in, you can get a nice couple of bob.
Ayr (Mon)
3 hours ago
Nice profit!
ReplyDeleteKeep going, i started trading on horses about 2months ago
Thanks Chazzen - It's been going better than expected. I'm hoping to put up some more videos soon when I get time.
ReplyDeleteThanks, i would like to see you on a swing trade